About Us
Our company relies on the experience we gathered in the ten years of activity, having fourty employees highly qualified and with vast experience, being well motivated to provide quality services, required by the demands of our clients.
Our company has implemented the ISO9001:2008 and 14001:2009 standard for the quality managament system, certified by M SYSTEMS.
Our vision is to ocuppy and maintain a market leader on the market, in conditions of price competitivity, terms and performances.
The romanian market, in continuous change and development, implies a strict price policy, much attention on payment dues and discounts offered to faithful customers, which will cover the interval granted to us by our suppliers.
The strategic objective regarding the quality policy that S.C. ARONDIS TERM S.R.L.applies is that of achieving and maintainging a good reputation, based on a loyal and proffesional attitude of every employee regarding the company.
Every product or project must be a recommandation for us and a refference for our clients.
This policy implies that the products and services are of the highest quality, fulfilling every aspect of our client's requests.